15 More Difficult Hack and Slash Games You Need To Experience




15 More Difficult Hack and Slash Games You Need To Experience

For as fun and as powerful as some hack and slash games can make us feel, plenty are designed to punish you. Either through stricter mechanical requirements, tougher enemies and boss fights, or higher difficulties, these 15 titles have no qualms piling on the challenge. Let’s take a look at them here.

Nioh 2

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The original was tough enough but Nioh 2 dials things up considerably. On top of new mechanics like Burst Counter, which must be timed properly to prevent massive damage from certain attacks and stagger enemies, several new enemy types and bosses will just straight up ruin your day. And this is before venturing into New Game Plus which increases enemy health and damage, adds new moves (and even removes Burst properties from some, meaning they can’t be countered), and even Cursed Enemies with status attacks.

15 More Difficult Hack and Slash Games You Need To Experience

For as fun and as powerful as some hack and slash games can make us feel, plenty are designed to punish you. Either through stricter mechanical requirements, t






15 More Difficult Hack and Slash Games You Need To Experience
15 More Difficult Hack and Slash Games You Need To Experience