It looks like the pokemon’s eyes are trying to stare at us!
When we hear the name “Pokémon” we immediately remember Pikachu, Ash Ketchum and his adventures as a trainer, Misty and Brock, as well as the classic clashes against the Rocket team. In fact, fans have adopted some of the pokemon as our favorites since the first installment of the saga, such as Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle or Charizard and Pikachu, of course (being the mascot that represents the franchise), to mention a few. of the most famous. Even among those who have not followed the series closely, they have once recognized some of its most emblematic characters wherever they see them. And this is not surprising, since, since the release of Pokémon Red and Blue on the Game Boy in 1996, Pokémon has become one of the largest franchises in the world, with a total revenue of approximately 105,000 million dollars. . In this way, monster hunting has expanded outside the video game scene and has gone on to the adaptation that we have all seen, along with multiple products, such as plush toys, pokeball replicas, books, cards, clothing, etc. backpacks and all kinds of items designed for collectors.
A fan has paid tribute to Pokémon with a series of quite peculiar sculptures
So far, all the success and popularity that has established Pokémon as a world reference has been enriched by the contributions of the fan community. As is known, some of them have dedicated themselves to making true works of art with crossovers, animations, fan arts and have even programmed some anime-inspired video games, either keeping the original concept or leaving their special touch. But among the countless memorable creations in the series, he has recently put together a collection that is based on some of the most recognizable Pokémon.
Thus, the creator of the collection, by name lezgobobbie, on his Reddit account, he shared his latest project with other users. According to this Pokemon fan’s description “has sculpted the first 151 Pokemon with googly eyes”, referring to the Generation 1 Pokedex. But the funny thing is that each one has been given a special detail: a pair of bulging eyes that contrast with the original shape. In addition to talking about his progress, he also shared the images of some of the small figures that made up the collection.
In the artist’s publication we could see that they were made of clay, with bright colors. these figures they represented the evolution lines of Charmander and Squirtle. However, they were not the only ones he showed. Among the replicas of the iconic characters we also had Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartotle and Blastoise. And later in another post he showed an image with his original versions of Bulbasaur, Yvysaur and Venusaur. You can see them right away:
Curious, right? In addition to what we can perceive at a first glance in this incredible work, lezgobobbie He also commented on some more details about the project in the comments of his post. He explained that, to make the figures, they used polymer clay and, to give it the final touch, they decorated them with acrylic paint. In fact, he added that so far he had only managed to build nine models out of the 151 that would comprise the collection. But he stated that he would be sharing the progress of the project every nine sculptures, and so on until finished.
Reactions to the googly-eyed Pokémon collection
As expected, this pair of posts positively impacted most fans of the franchise, so numerous members of the Reddit community have stopped by to take a look at the curious designs and, incidentally, joke about how the artist gave them. Some of them made funny comments about his eyes, among them someone mentioned that Ivysaur reminded him of Garfield; as well as several claimed that the designs seemed to be related to Robot Chicken. Regarding the latter, a user mentioned that it seemed like a kind of collaboration between Pokémon and Robot Chicken.
With more than 7,000 upvotes, these releases from the collection have shown that Pokémon fans have dedicated themselves to making their personal mark on one of the most iconic series in the anime world with their own means. As the project progresses, lezgobobbie will show the results. We will have to wait if at some point he decides to add more googly-eyed pokemon or even add another unique detail.
Related topics: Pokemon
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An Artist Is Creating Sculptures Of The Original 151 Pokémon In Scary Detail
It looks like the pokemon’s eyes are trying to stare at us!A fan has paid tribute to Pokémon with a series of quite peculiar sculpturesReactions to the goog

Original content at https://fromthesource.link/2022/05/07/an-artist-is-creating-sculptures-of-the-original-151-pokemon-in-scary-detail/
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