Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason




Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason


Looks like Goku might have a harder time than he expected…

Dragon Ball Super was leading the story to Goku thinking of a secret strategy to defeat Gas, but the plan suddenly hits a big snag. Or that the cry of his father, Bardock, awakened in him “the true Ultra Instinct”. Nevertheless, It seems that fate had prepared a great disappointmentboth for him and for fans of this franchise.


All the emotion that I had won this series It is because in the last chapters of Dragon Ball Super some of the most incredible and transcendental mysteries about Goku and his father Bardock have been shown (some even modifying the official canon). Unfortunately, the fandom of this work seems to have forgotten the real reason why these revelations actually came out in the first place… Or in other words, why just Goku will have even less chance of defeating Gas in your current situation.


But, let’s go in parts to understand the reasons behind Goku’s possible defeat at the hands of Gas. The first thing to highlight is the unexpected transformation that our protagonist’s father had (which justifies some non-canonical twists that this story arc had), on the other hand, Bardock probably made a wish that, if true, changes the tradition of Dragon Ball forever, since it basically proves that the only reason Goku has been such a successful warrior is because his father wanted him.

A reveal so massive that the fandom may have understandably forgotten is that the point of seeing these flashbacks was to learn the means by which Bardock defeated Gas. However, now that we know that it was all thanks to a previously unknown transformation, it seems that Goku will not be able to keep up with this rhythm, this saiyan is limited to the circumstances. If Bardock had devised a cunning strategy or exploited some weakness in the hitman, that would have been something interesting, something they could use to his advantage. Instead, Goku and his friends are right back where they started or even worse, since they no longer have any hope.

What could Goku do now in Dragon Ball Super?

Of course, as usual in Dragon Ball Super, Goku could always try to transform like Bardock did against Gas and get it right the first time, this is something that is always on the minds of the creative team behind the franchise. In fact, it’s happened to him countless times in the franchise, now that Bardock seems to have aroused the innermost emotions of his son, it’s not something unthinkable. Guias y Trucos tecnologicos

dragon ball super 82 goku bardock gas

Throughout this series, he has been in numerous situations where he is facing a great evil that he cannot defeat, but ends up winning anyone despite the odds because it unlocks a new transformation. So, Goku didn’t really learn anything that he didn’t already know (or that the public was expecting). However, what it would be for Goku to take advantage of his father’s wish for him to always prosper in his favor. All he has to do is simply exist and he will surely succeed.

Ultimately, even the current flashback to the earlier fight between Bardock and Gas that came courtesy of an audio file from Bardock’s old tracker, was a deus ex machina to keep the fight going. Currently, Goku and his friends have been fighting to defeat the same villain, an even more unbeatable foe since he awakened his true power. But what seemed like a solid plan to unlock Bardock’s winning strategy has taken a surprising turn, after Goku retrieved the famous Saiyan tracker to emulate his strategy.

In Dragon Ball Super chapter 83, the audio recording finally reveals how Bardock defeated Gas even after the villain had gone berserk. Despite having his Saiyan tail ripped off (another hole in the saga’s official canon), Bardock continues to hold his own before undergoing some kind of Super Saiyan transformation that gives him enough of an edge to defeat the villain. Even though he technically wins, Bardock reverts to his normal form and passes out from trying too hard. With little time to prepare for such a bombshell from mangaka Akira Toriyama, the true ramifications of this reveal may need time to really be understood.

Related topics: dragon ball


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Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason

Dragon Ball Super was leading the story to Goku thinking of a secret strategy to defeat Gas, but the plan suddenly hits a big snag. Or that the cry of his fath






Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason
Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason
Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason
Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason
Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason
Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason
Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason
Goku’s strategy against Gas does not work and this is the reason


Original content at https://fromthesource.link/2022/05/12/gokus-strategy-against-gas-does-not-work-and-this-is-the-reason/
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