Almost a decade has passed since the classic Papers, Please went on sale with its brilliant proposal that made it receive a good number of awards at the time. After passing through PC and PS Vita, the game is now preparing to come back to life with a new version for mobile devices.
Lucas Pope, the person in charge of this great indie work, will be published on iOS and Android and the best thing is that you won’t have to wait practically anything to get your hands on the title, because its launch is set for the August 5 on the App Store and Google Play.
It’s actually not the first time papers please visit the Apple digital store, since in 2014 a version for iPad was enabled, so in a few days it will be possible to play on the rest of the devices. This means that those who got hold of it at the time and are going to play on an iOS mobile will not need to checkout again.
In this game we will take the role of an immigration inspector at a border post in Grestin. During the game, people who want to cross to the other side will not stop arriving, so their documents will have to be carefully examined with the inspection, registration and identification systems, because among the citizens there will be forgers, spies and terrorists.
Papers, Please, the excellent work by Lucas Pope, will make the leap to mobile phones very soon
Almost a decade has passed since the classic Papers, Please went on sale with its brilliant proposal that made it receive a good number of awards at the time.

Original content at https://fromthesource.link/2022/07/26/papers-please-the-excellent-work-by-lucas-pope-will-make-the-leap-to-mobile-phones-very-soon/
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