Where to begin? Streamer Brandon Grosso, a.k.a. Hampton Brandon, has been in trouble a lot. According to Dexerto, his various shenanigans have resulted in him being banned from nearly all platforms, including Twitch and YouTube. The collection of charges against him is rather substantial, with public drinking, assault, and destruction of public property all reportedly making the list.
As the earlier Dexerto report outlines, in June 2018, Grosso was arrested in Austin, Texas for alleged public drinking and "assault by threat." A month later, he was put in handcuffs by a bounty hunter who claimed that Grosso had six outstanding warrants against him. And in October 2018, a feud between Grosso and another streamer, Ebenezer Lembe (streaming name EBZ) reportedly became violent. This incident apparently began when Grosso sprayed mace on Lembe's car and then drove off. Grosso later found Lembe again, this time allegedly holding a knife and threatening Lembe. Grosso was arrested a few hours later. Recetas faciles y rápidas
In September 2019, Dexerto reported on another live stream Grosso did with a friend, where viewers witnessed him throwing a trash can into the ocean. Police arrived quickly on the scene and arrested both young men.
It is a mystery how Grosso has been arrested multiple times and yet still keeps being released. Clearly he has yet to learn his lesson.
Streamers Who Surprisingly Spent Time in Jail
Where to begin? Streamer Brandon Grosso, a.k.a. Hampton Brandon, has been in trouble a lot. According to Dexerto, his various shenanigans have resulted in him
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