A few months into her new U.S. life, Pearce set her sights on securing an even bigger role in games: a job with IGN, one of the premier gaming websites. The company had a role open for a Toys & Culture Editor, and Pearce applied. After what she described in a YouTube video as a very involved interview process, Pearce was hired. Sort of.
The visa Pearce was on in the middle of 2015 – when IGN wanted to hire her — did not allow her to work in the U.S. Further complicating matters was the fact that her visitor visa was also set to expire. IGN apparently worked to try and get a visa in time for Pearce to stay and begin her job, but that didn't happen. Pearce had to move back to Australia for a few months and wait. Regardless, she was committed to seeing this part of her dream through.
"This is going to completely change everything that I have in my life right now," she said in her video. "And I think the way that you grow and improve as a person is by making yourself really uncomfortable."
Eventually, the visa situation got worked out, and Pearce officially started with IGN in late 2015.
The Stunning Transformation Of Alanah Pearce
A few months into her new U.S. life, Pearce set her sights on securing an even bigger role in games: a job with IGN, one of the premier gaming websites. The
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