This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains




This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains

Kaido has become the ultimate villain of the entire series thus far.

This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains 07/23/2022 03:00

One Piece has had endless notable villainsas in the case of Donquixote Doflamingo, however, when we talk about Kaido things go to another perspective and it is that the Captain of the beast pirates has prominently featured between the antagonists of the series.


This mighty Yonko, kept Wano Island prisoner for two decades, since no one was a worthy rival to overthrow himall this until luffy’s arrival.

However, his defeat has not taken away his merit of being the best villain that the series has presented so far, then we will tell you the details.

These would be the reasons why Kaido is the best villain so far in One Piece

Kaido has been the most memorable villain that the series has had so far, due to his qualities

Kaido has been the most memorable villain that the series has had so far, due to his qualities

This villain was characterized by experiment with the inhabitants from Wano Island, to whom he made eat the fruits SMILEwhich put a smile on their faces, so even if they felt sad they were forced to smilecomplying with all characteristics of a dictatoralso impoverished the country.

However, these injustices and cruel actions are not the only thing that has allowed Kaido to become the best villain of the series.

Here we will review some of the qualities that they have done stand out above the other villains.

His overwhelming strength

Kaido's power was beyond known limits

Kaido’s power was beyond known limits

Kaido since childhood was always characterized by having a strength and power excessively overwhelming.

This incredible power served him to win all the battles he foughtwith his strength he helped his people win several wars, but being of limited resources he was sold to the navya decision that this warrior always reproached. So he waited for the perfect moment to escape.


After the God Valley incident, in which Rogers and Garp met allied to face the pirates of Xebec, Kaido formed his own crew whom he called “The Beasts Pirates”.

His incredible strength allowed him get the respect of the navy and the rest of the pirates of the world.

Kaido’s respect and power is gone increasing even moreafter eating the devil fruit Uo Uo no My Model: Seiryuwith this feat received an incredible power-upbecoming one of the yonko.

After receiving this Power-Up this villain was conquering everything in its pathfighting battles even against other yonko like Shanks and Whitebeard. He also faced the navy countless times, with which he gradually left making a name through the new world, in addition to take over Wano Islandwhich he obtained after defeating Shogun Oden with help of his minions.

For its fruit of the Mythological Zoan type

Kaido transformed into a Gigantic Dragon thanks to his Mythological Zoan-type fruit

Kaido transformed into a Gigantic Dragon thanks to his Mythological Zoan-type fruit

The devil fruit that Kaido possesses is the Uo Uo no My Model: Seiryu is a Mythological Zoan typethis great power allows this pirate turn in a gigantic dragon capable of covering an entire city due to its size.

The power that this fruit bestowed on Kaido is so Amazing who is capable of destroy everything in his wake in an instant.

In his hybrid form Kaido made him multiple attacks on Luffy As could be seen in the manga, also due to the effects of the fruit, his skin was so hardenedwhich turned almost impenetrableso I did not receive no scratch when attacked with techniques based on normal armor haki. Noticias sobre futbol y del Cadiz

this villain He has a high level of you easily have a great control on the Haki of weaponry and observation, but on the Haki that is most stood out the beast pirate, it was in the del Advanced Pathfinderso none of the new alliance captains were able to cause him some kind of damageeven Luffy had to to learn to use this Haki to be able to defeat him.

A Pirate with Honor

Kaido had great respect for opponents who gave him a good fight, revealing his honor as a pirate.

Kaido had great respect for opponents who gave him a good fight, revealing his honor as a pirate.


Kaido is considered a evil charactersince he did not have any kind of compassion for the lives of those around him, for his purpose was to extend the destruction all over the world and find a worthy opponent.

However, during the fight against Luffy, he had a flash back because a member of CP0 stepped inwhat he did to her remember his battle against Odenin which Higurashi also interrupted, distracting the shogun of Wano of that then, so that he would give him a fatal blowwhich he did make the yonko very angry.

the villain defeated the shogun but I wasn’t satisfied with that victory, since in his opinion, he considered that Higurashi’s interference detracted from his victoryso this frustration of not having had a worthy fight chased until his fight with Luffy.

For this reason, Kaido, full of anger, attacked the CP0 member for distracting Luffy and making him hit him, just like what happened formerly with Oden.

This attitude make it clear that kaido had respect for the people who were at his level and gave him a big fight. Therefore, we can say that it is a pirate with honor.

Kaido has surpassed Doflamingo and has become the ultimate villain

Doflamingo was the most powerful villain in the Dressrosa arc, however that changed when he met Kaido

Doflamingo was the most powerful villain in the Dressrosa arc, however that changed when he met Kaido

Doflamingo It was considered the best villain that One Piece fans had seen, since he had a leading role during the dressrosa events.

However, all this change When the Straw Hats arrive on Wano Island and meet Kaido.

Due to all the history what has been developed Through this character far surpassed the other antagonistthis being the more powerful who Luffy has fought against Until now.

Thus, it will be a long time before the straw hat returns face a any rival of this size. Although it has become clear that kaido and luffy are more alike than you might imagine.

The thought who had this villain does it still more interestingsince in his past suffered a lotand he had a purpose for which to fight or extend wars wherever he went and that is that he believed that the only way to take equality to the world was through violence and massacres, because while both captains fought in Wano, they could be people equal and free. He also managed live through the problems that surrounded him in his childhood, and turned into a yonko.

This warrior was always in search of a big challenge that he was at his height, since it is not unreasonable to think that Kaido called himself the next joyboysince on one occasion comment to king that the only person able to beat him It was this historical character.

For all this and more, it would have been interesting see how they would have developed plans that he had for the world.

There is no doubt that Kaido is the most memorable villain that the series has had so far.

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This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains

One Piece has had endless notable villainsas in the case of Donquixote Doflamingo, however, when we talk about Kaido things go to another perspective and it is





This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains
This is why Kaido has surpassed all other One Piece villains


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