This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life




This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life


Hard not to fall in love on a first date like this.

It’s been many years since games dared to normalize the option to romance NPCs, including titles such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or the Mass Effect franchise, among many others. Although the truth is that in many cases, these appointments were not completely romantic due to the unnatural behavior of these non-playable characters. What has inspired a couple to create a video parody of these quotes which has gone viral.


What would it be like to have a date with an NPC? One especially limited by the technology of the time. Say, with Lydia, from Skyrim. The safest thing is that it was something similar to what recreate this couple. A somewhat awkward date full of weird gestures and most clichéd comments in the universe.

This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life


Lydia is one of the most beloved NPCs by Skyrim fans.

The truth is that it is very funny to see how this couple mimics the conventions of dating NPCs in video games, like those glances at the horizon in another direction, the mini races to keep up with the protagonist or the clumsy animations at mealtime. They are certainly common problems in most gamesunless they shoot cinematics instead of in-game action. Ratones para gaming

Of course, Not all NPC dating games are this clumsy., The Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 showed how to make love encounters and romantic dates quite successfully. The Last of Us Part II could be the example of how to show a relationship between characters in the most cinematographic way possible, but few productions can match Naughty Dog’s budget and technology.

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Will there be dating at Starfield?

Since we have taken Lydia as an example before. it will be interesing check if Satrfield will also have a romance option with NPCs when it hits stores in 2023. We will then see how much Bethesda’s technology and technique has advanced after 12 years of Skyrim’s release. For now, the Starfield’s first gameplay preview showed great advances in animations of the NPCsboth facial and corporal.


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This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life

It’s been many years since games dared to normalize the option to romance NPCs, including titles such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or the Mass Effect franc





This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life
This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life
This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life
This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life
This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life
This viral video shows what a date with the typical NPC of a video game would be like in real life


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